1.The day you get your admission letter from the university, nobody can touch you. All should follow the master.
2. Then you get the course catalog and you see you have 12 units while your Bsc friends have 6 ONLY!!! That means 24 CATS,3-IN-1 EXAM UNITS & do not get me started on the FAIL list...
3. Enzymology day 1: E + S, what is E and S? Why is Voet & Voet never on the library shelf? Why am I still doing calculus?
4. Your friends,your leisure, your social life-anything you have ever known of freedom,CONSIDER IT GONE.The library is your haven,the lecture hall your base and the lab your hangout zone.
5.Then when the semester ends, you are sleep-deprived zombie who has to read their results from a public noticeboard. If it is a supplementary, cut short your holidays or rework a whole year's worth of mental torture.
6. Groupworks,term papers,lab reports, PCPs,online assessments,lecture handouts,handwritten notes etc. The cycle never ends and what started as a crowd thins out to a handful survivors.
7. Then come the clinicals and you shine in your ward rounds case presentation
8.Final year projects : you rack a brain for the topic, haggle with your supervisor, do your lab analysis,get the supervisor's approval after chaing them all over town for corrections.When you wind up that presentation:
9. When you take that oath and they name you Doctor,it feels like Hippocrates himself stamped your transcripts
10. Hats off, six long years pay off .Let the BA and BSc students take the power to read,I am good to go.
12. Now you are registered.Get with the program.There are strikes and go-slows,residencies,post-grad...it never ends.Viva la Pharmacie
in a nutshell, the story could be longer...